Friday, May 21, 2010

Fellow Boyscouts......

Well, first of all I would like to say that please take advantage on the given time to buck-up on all of your clue solving skills, phsicall, and your knowledge....If you have any inquiries, please see me at school at 3 Merah and sorry to inform that my phone is currently not functioning so please call my house number if you wish to contact me....Thank You. And BE PREPARED for Treasure Hunt....
My house number : 03-90743454

This Plaque is DEFINETELY OURS if all of you work hard for it ...!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

....Attention To All Boyscouts....
All of you will be getting your Tenderfoot (test taking booklets) soon.... I hope all boyscouts will be able to past thier Tenderfoot and get thier Tenderfoot badge by the end of this year......

Please do not hesitate to Learn and Pass your Tenderfoot once you've got it....If any boyscouts have any questions to ask, Please do not hesitate to ask me or any of the other Patrol Leaders.....AND REMEMBER...Aim TILL THE END ! Aim for KING SCOUT ! Ask Me for further information.....^^


To all boyscouts, there will be no agenda this Saturday on the 6th March 2010 due to the monthly examination that the boyscouts are having. The following agenda will be on the 13th of March 2010 which will be the Base Games and Parents meeting. Do your best in gaining achievements and excellent results. Hope all of you will pass with Flying grades and colours......And remember, Always be .....Prepared !

I hope all Boyscouts will be Prepared for Base Games on the 6th Of March and Please invite your Parents to attend the Parents Meeting on the same day. There will be no more Canceling. Thank You.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Here are Some Basic Knots and Lashings that all boyscouts may find usefull. And to all Hornbill Patrol Members, please feel free to ask anything that you guys do not understand.

1) The Clove Hitch (Simpulan Manok) is one of the most basic and usefull knot.
Use: This knot will be used as initial binding to the wood or the like.
Also used before starting the 'Square Lashing'.

2) The Round Turn And Two-Half hitches is definately an easy knot.
Boyscouts just have to memorise it well and you guys will be able to do it in no time.

3) The most important and common lashing in VSG is the Square Lashing. To the form 1's, Please Learn this fast (including the Form 2's) because this lashing will be extremely usefull during GTKYC, Gadget building during Campfire, Training Camp, and etc.To produce strong, firmly constructed gadgets you will often need to use different types of lashings - knots join pieces of string or rope or fasten string/rope to pieces of wood or are used to make loops in string etc., lashing uses longer pieces of string to fasten two or more pieces of wood together.
It's also one of the most useful types of lashing is square lashing, so called because it is used to join two pieces of wood together at right angles to each other.
Start off by fastening a length of rope or string (depending on the scale of your project) to one piece of wood with a clove hitch, leaving the free ends roughly the same length. Place the other piece of wood on top of the first piece, in the position you want it fixing, and bring both ends of the string over, take them behind the first piece of wood and cross them behind it, bring them back out and over piece #2, cross behind, back over and so on - see the animated diagram on the right - pulling up firmly all the time; do this three or four times, then wind the ends of the string firmly round between the two pieces of wood (see diagram again) to pull the lashings tight and fasten off with a reef knot. The tighter your lashing, the more firmly the wood will be held.

4) This is Bowline (Tindih Kasih). It's mostly comes in handy for saving anyone's life.(preventing them from dropping off a waterfall, cliff, and etc)and it's usually tied to the victim's abdomen.

5) This is the Turds Head. It's a first class knot.(quite complicated) Boyscouts can learn from me. This knot is mostly used to make a 'Woggle'.

Lastly please feel free to ask anything, Boyscouts are encouraged to seek me and fix an appointment with me in order to learn anything.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Hornbill Patrol Cooking Competition 2010
(On the left is PL Surendar Pillay and on the right is PS Ahmad Iyas)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

To all Boyscouts, This will be the picture during Cooking competition for our Patrol.......

Hello, boyscouts ! This is your one and only PL Surendar here.....

First of all, Thanks to all Hornbill members for your corporation and efforts during Cooking Competition.... I hope all of you will show the same hardwork and efforts during Get-To-Know-You-Camp (GTKYC) which will be held during the March holiday.....Thank You